Error when I deploy Qt Quick Application
Since 4 days i try to deploy one Qt Quick Application without success.
The application use Qt Quick with WebEngineView. It run normaly on my computer but when I makewindeployqt.exe --qmldire [qml_path] --webengine [path_of_exe_release]
and I copy the release folder to another computer, it don't run. It tell me that they are missing api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll. When I copy the dll from my computer (C:\Windows\System32), the application don't run again.Can you help me to fix the bug ? I can send a link to download a zip of release folder for test.
I wanted to echo what @hskoglund said, but also point out that with the 5.6 Qt build I had (oddly) a dependency on the VS 2013 (not 2015) runtime dependencies even though all of my code build with vs 2015 and linked to the vs 2015 x64 libs/bin.
The last step of my windows installer is to check for those dependencies and if they're not found execute the vcredist_x64.exe package for vs 2013. Works like a charm on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10.
Are you calling windeployqt from the Visual Studio Command Promt? windeployqt cant find some dll of visual studio if you dont do this, at least work to me