Simple example of displaying a point in Qt3D
I'm porting an application based on Qt3D v.1 to Qt3D v.2 (Qt5.7).
As a very simple starting place I just need to display a bunch of points (ideally with colour and size). Are there any examples of such a simple application?
Thanks, Dave.
Thanks @koahnig,
I've looked at the examples but they implement meshes with material properties, which I think is too heavy for what I need (ultimately a point cloud with 100,000's of points, so a sphere with fancy shading isn't going to work).
You would have to "thin out" one of the examples I guess. At least that would be my approach. Unfortunately I am not in QML and useless there.
Hi @koahnig,
That's what I've done so far, giving me this fragment:
Qt3DCore::QEntity *createScene() { Qt3DCore::QEntity *rootEntity = new Qt3DCore::QEntity; Qt3DRender::QMaterial *material = new Qt3DExtras::QPhongMaterial(rootEntity); Qt3DCore::QEntity *sphereEntity = new Qt3DCore::QEntity(rootEntity); Qt3DExtras::QSphereMesh *sphereMesh = new Qt3DExtras::QSphereMesh; ... (set sphereMesh properties) ... sphereEntity->addComponent(sphereMesh); sphereEntity->addComponent(material); } return rootEntity; }
which I then view. That only scales to about a thousand points though before it starts slowing down (not surprising since it's rendering actual spheres). So I need simpler primitives.
I will mark this post and call for moderation. Someone else should be of more use here.
I created a Qt3DPointcloudRenderer
It can render Pointcloud Library PCLPointcloud2.
If you already have your Vertexbuffer ready, you can simply use
GeometryRenderer { geometry: (...) primitiveType: GeometryRenderer.Points }
and RenderState
StateSet { renderStates: [ PointSize { specification: PointSize.Programmable }, (...) ] }
(PointSize seems to be broken in Qt version 5.7. The Application might crash on exit.)
@Dabulla Hi! Would be great if you'd file a bug report for this PointSize RenderState issue. Thank you :)