drag tab from QTabBar
Hello Community,
I am trying to drag/drop a tab from a QTabBar. I am subclassing QTabBar but I can't find how to access each single tab in the bar ...
I think that's the only thing I need is : get the tab under the cursor (hopefully it will be a widget ?) so I can generate a pixmap from it and attach it to the drag.How could I get this tab (widget ?) if I am going in the right direction...
I want the tab from the QTabBar not from the QTabWidgetThank you very much for any info !
If you look at
https://github.com/openwebos/qt/blob/master/src/gui/widgets/qtabbar.cppline 1531
void QTabBar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)it seems that it uses
p.drawControl(QStyle::CE_TabBarTab, tab);So its not widgets. Its drawn. It seems.
But, you can use same call to make your own image as drag image if u need.