[SOLVED] Passing an integer value in QProcess
I have written a bash script which queries my MqSQL database in a remote server. I have written several QProcess cases but those involved no input. Now i want to pass an integer value i.e the job-id to execute my bash script. When i do a@
proc->start("path/to/bash/script" , QSringList () << "a_string");
@my script doesnt run (because the passed argument is a string)
Please help.
[EDIT: code formatting, please wrap in @-tags, Volker]
Scripts only take string arguments, so I am not sure what the problem is...
Do you need to convert a integer to a string? Check QString::number(...) for that.
Ok i solved it. My fault, it was simple concatenation of Qstrings.
So now i have
@Qstring command = "/path/to/bash/script" ;
QString input = ui->lineEdit->text();
command.append(input);QProcess *p = new QProcess(); p.start(command);@
Thanks for all your help.
as Tobias said, use "QString::number":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qstring.html#number