How to add texture to 3D obj in Entity element in qml in Qt 5.5?
QML and Qt Quick
The following code snippet shows how I have tried to add texture to the .obj file.
This is the error message:
Texture data is null, texture data failed to loadEntity {
property Material materialSpeedometer: PMaterial{}
components: [
Mesh {
source: "assets/obj/speedmeter3.obj"PMaterial { effect: shadowMapEffectDB ambientLight: "blue" specularColor: Qt.rgba(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) diffuseMap: "C:/Qt/Qt5.5.0/Examples/Qt-5.5/qt3d/exampleresources/assets/obj/Speedometer_01.JPG" normalMap: "C:/Qt/Qt5.5.0/Examples/Qt-5.5/qt3d/exampleresources/assets/obj/Speedometer_01.JPG" shininess: shininessSpecularMap } ]
PS: PMaterial is a separate qml defining different Material Parameters.
Please describe the correct way to load texture .