Connect MYSQL Database to QT app
I have created an app that calculates the gp for my university and i am supposed to connect it with a mysql db and when a user calculates his gp the grades whould be stored in the db. But after trying to do it i dont see any light when i press the button calculate the gp is ok but the numbers do not store in th db. Here is my code
#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include <QtMath> #include <QtSql> #include <QtDebug> MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL"); db.setHostName("localhost"); db.setDatabaseName("vathmos"); db.setUserName("root"); db.setPassword("");; } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_3_clicked() { float m,y,c,k; QString x; k=0; x=ui->lineEdit->text(); c=x.toFloat(); if (c==0) k=k; else { y=c*5; k=5; } QSqlQuery ("INSERT INTO 'vathmoi' ( 'V_1') VALUES ('c' )") ; x=ui->lineEdit_3->text(); c=x.toFloat(); if (c==0) k=k; else { y=y+c*6; k=k+6; } QSqlQuery ("INSERT INTO 'vathmoi' ( 'V_2') VALUES ('c' )") ; x=ui->lineEdit_2->text(); c=x.toFloat(); if (c==0) k=k; else { y=y+c*5; k=k+5; } // there are 38 more line edits to insert the grade from each lesson and it ends like that x=ui->lineEdit_46->text(); c=x.toFloat(); if (c==0) k=k; else { y=y+c*10; k=k+10; } QString Qs; m=y/k; float mz,me; Qs = QString::number( m, 'g', 10 ); ui->lineEdit_44->setText(Qs); me=6.5; mz=((me*213)-y)/(213-k); if ((mz<me) || (mz>10)) Qs="Ανέφυκτος Μέσος Όρος"; else { Qs = QString::number( mz, 'g', 10 ); } ui->lineEdit_7->setText(Qs); me=7.5; mz=((me*213)-y)/(213-k); if ((mz<me) || (mz>10)) Qs="Ανέφυκτος Μέσος Όρος"; else { Qs = QString::number( mz, 'g', 10 ); } ui->lineEdit_6->setText(Qs); me=8.5; mz=((me*213)-y)/(213-k); if ((mz<me) || (mz>10)) Qs="Ανέφυκτος Μέσος Όρος"; else { Qs = QString::number( mz, 'g', 10 ); } ui->lineEdit_8->setText(Qs); }
DO you have any idea how to solve this i would apriciate it very much.
Hi and welcome
this looks a bit odd
QSqlQuery ("INSERT INTO 'vathmoi' ( 'V_2') VALUES ('c' )") ;
also, i see no exec()Normally it would be like
QSqlQuery query;
query.prepare("INSERT INTO person (id, forename, surname) "
"VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
query.exec(); // this runs it -
There are two ways to prepare a sql statement.
- with named parameters would be
query.prepare("INSERT INTO person (id, forename, surname) " "VALUES (:id, :forename, :surename)");
and then binding the values to the parameters with
query.bindValue(":id", id); query.bindValue(":forename",forename); query.bindValue(":surename", surename);
- the way as @mrjj described with unnamed parameters
(I for myself prefer the named parameters for more insight with long query strings)
Maybe some debug outputs will help
if(! { qDebug() << "DB Connect Error: " << db.lastError(); }
this will write the sql error when the database can not be opened.
if(!query.exec()) { qDebug() << "SQL Statement Error" << query.lastError(); }
will print the error when the execution of the sql statement failed.