How to receive array from js?use QWebChannel
General and Desktop
new QWebChannel(qt.webChannelTransport, function(channel) { // make dialog object accessible globally var js_object = channel.objects.jsObject; $("#save_data").click(function(){ var aa = new Array('name', 'c'); alert(JSON.stringify(aa)); js_object.receiveText(JSON.stringify(aa)); } }); });
void PickerJsObject::receiveText(const QString &r_text) { qDebug()<<r_text; QJsonParseError error; QJsonDocument message = QJsonDocument::fromJson(messageData.toUtf8(), &error); if (error.error) { qWarning() << "Failed to parse text message as JSON object:" << messageData << "Error is:" << error.errorString(); return; } else if (!message.isObject()) { qWarning() << "Received JSON message that is not an object: " << messageData; return; } }
console output:
"[\"name\",\"c\"]" Received JSON message that is not an object: "[\"name\",\"c\"]"
JS how to return an array of data to QT? JS returns what format? QT and how to receive and parse, please enlighten.