QML listview delegate item as QQuickItem
I tried that, but when I give targetSize to it's orginal image resolution it's giving the output png with expected resolution where as the image portion is scaled to different.
Another thing I have tried is
item->resetHeight(); item->resetWidth();
inside the function
void Login::save( QQuickItem *item),
where as this changes the image object showing in qml list view, as both uses same object. And I coud'nt find a way to deep copy of QQuickItem .
@haris123 Can you confirm if its the same behavior as above with the following example code ?
import QtQuick 2.6 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 Rectangle { id: rect width: 200 height: 200 Image { id: img anchors.fill: parent source: "http://r0k.us/graphics/kodak/kodak/kodim03.png" } Button { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom text: "Grab" onClicked: { img.grabToImage(function(result) { result.saveToFile("myimage.png"); }, Qt.size(768, 512)); } } }
Thanks for the replay,
The above code works fine here also, but when I used the same in list view gave scaled output.
import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 Window { property int count: 0 visible: true width : 900 height: 900 Rectangle{ width: parent.width height:parent.height color: "#000000" Component { id: appDelegate; Item { width:parent.width; height:50; Row{ id:table_row Rectangle { id:cam_cln width:200; height:50; color: "#88FF3333" border.width: 1; border.color: "white" Text{ id: cam_txt anchors.centerIn: parent text: cam; //font.bold : true //font.pointSize: 9 color: "white" } MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { table_list_view.currentIndex=index; } } } Rectangle { id:img_cln width:200; height:50; color: "#88333333" border.width: 1; border.color: "white" Image { id: myIcon; width:200; height:50; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; source: icon; fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit cache : true; asynchronous: true; } MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { table_list_view.currentIndex=index; } } } } } } ListView { id: table_list_view highlightMoveVelocity :1000 // objectName: "gridObject" anchors.fill: parent cacheBuffer:50 clip: true; focus: true model: appModel highlight: Rectangle { color: "#BB333333"; radius: 3 } delegate: appDelegate flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick flickableChildren: MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked:{ } } } ListModel { id: appModel } Component.onCompleted: { appModel.append({ cam:"Image1",icon: "http://www.gstatic.com/webp/gallery/4.jpg" }) appModel.append({ cam:"Image2",icon: "http://www.gstatic.com/webp/gallery/2.jpg" }) appModel.append({ cam:"Image3",icon: "http://www.gstatic.com/webp/gallery/3.jpg" }) appModel.append({ cam:"Image3",icon: "http://r0k.us/graphics/kodak/kodak/kodim03.png" }) } } Button { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom text: "Grab" onClicked: { for(var i=0; i<table_list_view.contentItem.children.length; i++) { for(var j=0; j<table_list_view.contentItem.children[i].children.length; j++){ for(var k=0; k<table_list_view.contentItem.children[i].children[j].children.length; k++){ for(var l=0; l<table_list_view.contentItem.children[i].children[j].children[k].children.length; l++){ console.log(i+" "+j+" "+k+" "+l+" "+table_list_view.contentItem.children[i].children[j].children[k].children[l]) if(k===1&&l===0){ table_list_view.contentItem.children[i].children[j].children[k].children[l].grabToImage(function(result) { var fielName = "C:/Users/haris/Desktop/"+count+".png" result.saveToFile(fielName); count++; }, Qt.size(768, 512)); } } } } } }
@haris123 You're Welcome,
Btw. if your aim is to capture all the images at once you can avoid the cumbersome task of iterating children. You can use signal and slots mechanim here too.
For eg.//Inside the Window declare a signal Window { id: win ... signal capture; ... //Inside the Image delegate use Connections to connect to the signal ... Image { id: myIcon; ... Connections { target: win onCapture: { myIcon.grabToImage(function(result) { result.saveToFile("C:/Users/vapplica/Desktop/"+index+".png"); }, Qt.size(768, 512)); } } } //Fire the signal Button { ... text: "Grab" onClicked: { win.capture() } }
Also you can directly access Image source size which will be helpful for saving the images. So you can replace
Qt.size(768, 512)
withQt.size(myIcon.sourceSize.width, myIcon.sourceSize.height)
Here is the doc for Connections.