ListView center on screen
QML and Qt Quick
Hi everyone!
I'm a beginner with qml...
I need to display my listView centered with a fixed width on my widget,
Looking at this picture you can see on the left the actual view of my listview
link text
on the right the desired version
Here's my codeimport QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import QtQml.Models 2.1 Rectangle { width: 800 height: 600 id:rootId FontLoader{ id: avenirRegular; source: "../../fonts/qml-fonts/AvenirRegular.otf" } FontLoader{ id: avenirBold; source: "../../fonts/qml-fonts/AvenirBold.otf" } FontLoader{ id: avenirCn; source: "../../fonts/qml-fonts/AvenirC.otf"} FontLoader{ id: avenirBoldCn; source: "../../fonts/qml-fonts/AvenirCondensedBold.otf"} Component { id:itemList Item{ id:mainItem property bool isTitle: header===true property bool isUnit: unitTitle !=="" && header === false property bool isElement: title!=="" && !isTitle && !isUnit property string resType: resourceType; property string imageSource: getImageSource() height: heighSelection(); Row{ Column{ width: 800 Rectangle{ y:10 visible: isTitle anchors.topMargin: 20 Text{ font.pixelSize:18 text:title color:"#333333" } } Rectangle{ visible:isUnit width: mainList.width Rectangle{ width: mainList.width -40 height: 1 color: "#CCCCCC" } Rectangle{ y:60 width: mainList.width -40 height: 1 color: "#CCCCCC" } Text{ y:20 id:unitDisplayTitle font.pixelSize:20 color: "#666666" text:unitTitle } } Rectangle{ visible:isElement MouseArea{ width: mainList.width height: 50 cursorShape: "PointingHandCursor" Image{ id:resIcon source: imageSource width: sourceSize.width / pixelratio height: sourceSize.height /pixelratio } Text{ x:resIcon.width + 10 id:displayElementTitle font.pixelSize:16 text:title color:"#666666" y:(resIcon.height/2 - height/2) } Text{ x:mainList.width - 40 -width font.pixelSize:16 text:pageLabel color:"#666666" y:(resIcon.height/2 - height/2) } onClicked: {; console.log(index + " "+packageName+ " assetPath: "+assetPath) } } } } } function heighSelection(){ if(isTitle) return 30; else if(isUnit) return 60 else if(isElement) return 40 return 0; } function getImageSource() { if(!isElement)return "" var icon="" if(resType==="video"){ icon = pixelratio >= 2 ? "../../icons/type-video-mini@2x.png" :"../../icons/type-video-mini.png" } if(resType=="audio"){ icon = pixelratio >= 2 ? "../../icons/type-audio-mini@2x.png" : "../../icons/type-audio-mini.png" } if(resType=="external"){ icon = pixelratio >= 2 ? "../../icons/type-external-mini@2x.png" : "../../icons/type-external-mini.png" } if(resType=="browser"){ icon = pixelratio >= 2 ? "../../icons/type-browser-mini@2x.png" : "../../icons/type-browser-mini.png" } if(resType=="link"){ icon = pixelratio >= 2 ? "../../icons/type-link-mini@2x.png" : "../../icons/type-link-mini.png" } if(resType=="pdf"){ icon = pixelratio >= 2 ? "../../icons/type-pdf-mini@2x.png" : "../../icons/type-pdf-mini.png" } if(resType=="karaoke"){ icon = pixelratio >= 2 ? "../../icons/type-karaoke-mini@2x.png" : "../../icons/type-karaoke-mini.png" } if(resType=="map"){ icon = pixelratio >= 2 ? "../../icons/type-map-mini@2x.png" : "../../icons/type-map-mini.png" } return icon; } } } ScrollView{ anchors.fill: parent ListView { width: parent.width Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true topMargin: 10 leftMargin: 15 rightMargin: 10 bottomMargin: 10 spacing: 25 id:mainList model: indexListModel delegate: itemList } } }
In c++
void AutomaticIndexView::init(QString filter, QString viewName) { qDebug()<< "index width" << filter; indexListModel = new AutoMaticIndexModel(viewName,this); ui->view->engine()->rootContext()->setContextProperty("controller",this); ui->view->engine()->rootContext()->setContextProperty("indexListModel",indexListModel); ui->view->engine()->rootContext()->setContextProperty("pixelratio",this->devicePixelRatio()); ui->view->setSource(QUrl("qrc:/qml/indexview/IndexView.qml")); indexListModel->setFilterName(filter); }
Any suggestion ?
Thanks in advanced ;)