How to have checkbox or Toggle behavior for QAction in QActionGroup
I have QActionGroup in Which I adding various Qactions
QAction d_actionView1 = new QAction();
QAction d_actionView2 = new QAction();
QActionGroup_viewGroup = new IN_CURRENT_POOL QActionGroup(this);
d_viewGroup->addAction(d_actionView2);I want to have toggle behaviour for each d_actionView1 and d_actionView2 . Can we have check boxes for the same to have toggle behaviour for the same
set the action group to exclusive.
The widget which then displays (using the platform style) decides how to present it.A menu for example should draw radiobuttons IIRC
I want a checkbox so that user can select multiple actions at one time . For example
QAction d_actionView1 = new QAction();
QAction d_actionView2 = new QAction();user should be able to select d_actionView1 and d_actionView2 at same one time
But doc saysonly one of these actions should be active at any one time.
well this is very special application logic i would say. So you need to take care of it.
Connect to QActionGroup's triggered(QAction*) signal and check the action. Then you can set the other action also to de-/selected.@Ratzz
yes, only when it's set to exclusive. -
is it possible to change the bacground color of the QAction when want to show the toggled behavior
so default we can have mutiple QActions selected at one time . does they behave a radio buttons if yes why