Labs and Controls conflict
I was trying to use Qt.labs.calendar and QtQuick.Controls together and ran into some conflicts since Calendar is declared in both imports. I then used a qualifier to remove ambiguity "import Qt.labs.calendar 1.0 as LC" but the control Calendar was still not initializing correctly and returning errors ("Type Calendar is unavailable" - "Cannot assign object to property").
Should we avoid to mix the two controls libs? -
Oh, I can see what you mean now. There was indeed an internal conflict in Qt 5.6 ( It was reproducible with something as simple as:
import QtQuick 2.6 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 import Qt.labs.calendar 1.0 as LC ApplicationWindow { visible: true Calendar { } }
qrc:/main.qml:7 Type Calendar unavailable file:///Users/jpnurmi/Qt/5.6/clang_64/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Calendar.qml:216 Cannot assign object to property
The conflict has been fixed in Qt 5.7.
@jpnurmi thanks for your followup.
Another issue with the Controls calendar is that binding (from external variable to control) is lost whenever the user selects a date. I have found this confirmed in the bug reports. Wonder if it will also be fixed in v5.7.In the meantime i have implemented my own calendar, less generic than the lib one though.