Convert QByteArray to QVector<qreal>
General and Desktop
I converted a qvector<qreal> to a QByteArray.
I did this by: QByteArray bytesArray ((const char *) someVector.constData(), someLength * 8);
I need to be able to reverse this and get a qvector<qreal> out of the qbytearray.
If additional information is need, let me know.
Some help would be very appreciated.
that is wrong way of doing it
try this:
QByteArray bytesArray QDataStream out(&bytesArray ,QIODevice::WriteOnly); out << someVector; //saves it //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QDataStream in(bytesArray); QVector<qreal> otherVector; in >> otherVector; //load
Please note that qreal is only 99.9% safe when saving to stream and sending it around to programs built with other versions of Qt. use QVector<double> instead