QML-Change data in Image Details tab properties
QML and Qt Quick
I use Qt version 5.6.0 with qml from windows 8.1.
I want to set metadata for captured images in QML.
I've tried the following code, the program runs on desktop takes the picture and saves it.
After I open it up with Preview and check the metadata... and nothing special there (no Author key).Camera { id: camera metaData.author: "neda"
I don't see an "author" property listed in "metaData" here: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtmultimedia-camera.html
I've never actually done this, so I'm not sure, but I think this might work after reading the documentation.
Camera { id: cam } Button { onClicked: { cam.imageCapture.setMetadata("Author", "neda"); cam.imageCapture.capture(); } }
Thank you.
I use this code but It does not work.
imageCapture { onImageMetadataAvailable:{ setMetadata(key,value) console.log("Image Metadata Callback : "+key+" = "+value) setMetadata("Title","neda") }
onClicked: { camera.imageCapture.setMetadata(camera.metaData.author, "neda") //or this code: camera.imageCapture.setMetadata("Author", "neda") //or this code: camera.metaData.author="neda" camera.imageCapture.capture()
Update: I also tried to do that using QImageWriter as follows:
QImage image("c:/1.jpg"); QImageWriter writer("c:/11.png", "png"); writer.setText("Author", "neda"); writer.write(image);
But, none of my tries gave me any success (change data in Image Details tab properties). Any idea?