Custom Qt Doxygen Dokumentation
is there a way to modify the dokumentation style of doxygen in Qt in a .ini/template/xml file?For example I do not want to comment a function like this (doxygen-style):
* @brief addOne
* @param value
* @return
int addOne(int value);I want to comment the function in this way:
# @brief addOne
# @param value
# @return
int addOne(int value);So is there a way to change the documentation style in an easy way?
Best Regards
Hi and welcome
If you mean like custom Comment blocks, i have never seen a way to change it
as it would be complex to handle for the parser.So as far as I know it supports these, for
/%& # @brief addOne # @param value # @return %&/
Dont it give you compiler errors ?
Hey mrjj,
thanks for response.
I've found: In the doxygensettingsstruct an Enum called:
enum DoxygenStyle {
javaDoc = 0,
qtDoc = 1,
customDoc = 2
according to:
so I thought I can set an user custom made doxy documentation.Maybe I have to recompile the Creators doxygen plugin with some settings?
@Lennart62 said
I want to comment the function in this way:
# @brief addOne
# @param value
# @return
int addOne(int value);I have to agree with @mrjj : how can your compiler understand this is a comment? Doxygen might be able to extract it (as it supports many languages), but you won't be able to tell your C / C++ compiler to ignore those lines.