[Solved] How to get and change HTML from url before viewing in QWebView?
Dear all friends,
I would like to get and change HTML from internet url before viewing in QWebView.
When I try to load newly change HTML to set in QWebView after loadFinish() signal. It's OK.But when I try to change contents of Facebook page, & try to insert newly change HTML, it's not work.
When I write out change HTML to a file, It's OK, open that file in browser also OK.That's why? I would like to know..
So, Is it possible to get HTML, change them & return to QWebView before settings original HTML to QWebView?Thanks
What's the difference from the "previous post":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/6742/#39382?
To get html without QWebView. Do this:
[ Edit: NOTE: QHttp is obsolete as pointed out by many others and shouldn't be used. Use the QNetworkManager instead. ]
// constructor
m_networkManager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);connect(m_networkManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)),
this, SLOT(slotReplyFinished(QNetworkReply*)));//get
m_networkManager->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl(queryUrlString)));//slotReplyFinished(QNetworkReply *response)
QByteArray result;if (response->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) { result = response->readAll(); } else QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), response->errorString());
]Obsolete method using QHttp.
// In constructor
m_http_buffer = new QTemporaryFile();
m_http_client = new QHttp(this);// Http call
QHttp::ConnectionMode mode = url.scheme().toLower() == "https" ? Http::ConnectionModeHttps : QHttp::ConnectionModeHttp;
m_http_client->setHost(url.host(), mode, url.port() == -1 ? 0 : url.port());
m_http_buffer->open();httpRequestId = m_http_client->get(url.path(),m_http_buffer);
connect(m_http_client, SIGNAL(requestFinished(int,bool)),
this, SLOT(slotHttpRequestFinished(int,bool)));// slotHttpRequestFinished
if (id==httpRequestId)
setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor));if (!error) { m_http_buffer->seek(0); // read response here m_http_buffer->readAll()); m_http_buffer->close(); disconnect(m_http_client, 0, this, 0); } }
In header:
private slots:
void slotHttpRequestFinished(int id, bool error);private: QHttp *m_http_client; int httpRequestId; QTemporaryFile *m_http_buffer;
Dear friend,
Thanks for your reply
I want to change some data on HTML requested from internet.
It's like Firefox plug-in which change some HTML & is shown in main browser to user.
When I insert just some html text instead of change function, It's also work.But, my change function is also work, I tested with changed data to output file.
That output file can be opened & show correctly in FF for my changes.I don't understand why my browser can't show these changes. It's just some Unicode character corrections. I recompile Qt lib for these unicode support.
Okay :) If solved.. could mark as solved in title?
NOTE: Do not use QHttp this class is deprecated! Use QNetworkAccessManager instead!!