Binaries for Linux in a tar file
Dear all,
almost one year ago I remember that I found some Qt binaries for Linux (64 bit) which had the very nice feature to be contained in a tar.gz file that, once unpacked, gave a running set of dynamically loadable Qt (and perhaps Qwt too) libraries. I had to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable (and perhaps another I have forgotten) and magically I had the Qt working pretty well. One year ago I didn't really need that system, and then I didn't follow it, but now I do. Can you please tell me if it already exists something like that? I didn't succeed in finding it again.
I think, for Linux in general you needed to compile, until the recent Qt SDK and Qt Creator. For 64 bit, that has always been the case i guess. If i compile it sometime soon on Linux 64bit, I could upload it for you. I have the Windows binaries on x64, that I have compiled (win32-msvc2005 i.e. VS 2005), if you need it.
Or if you just need to use Qt in Linux 64. Just head over to "Downloads page": and get the Qt SDK for Linux 64.