[Ubuntu] compiling for Windows, Mac OS X
How do I switch the make spec from Qt Creator?
I was able to compile for Mac OS X from terminal using:
export QMAKESPEC=macx-g++
But that's only because I installed Qt version 3 from terminal.
How do I switch QMAKESPEC in Qt Creator 4?
Also, when I compile with win32-g++ it gives me errors, saying "windows is undefined", cannot find "lqtmain", etc.
Have a look "here":http://silmor.de/29
Where did you get Qt Creator 4? We are currently working on version 2.3, so you are a bit ahead of us:-)
How do you switch mkspecs? Qt Creator should pick the right one for you already. If it does not you can always override it by passing "-spec whatever-spec" as a argument to the QMake step in Projects mode/Build configuration.