bind to model data on other role from item delegate
QML and Qt Quick
It seems dataChanged doesnt affect qml in my case. I'm trying to bind a delegate to data from another model role (see code). Is there any workaround? Am I doing it wrong or is this a bug?
My model is a QAbstractListModel.TableView { TableViewColumn { title: "X" role: "x" delegate: Rectangle { // both ways do not update after initial drawing: //color: model["y"] ? "red" : "transparent" Component.onCompleted: color = Qt.binding(function() { return model["y"] ? "red" : "transparent" }) Text { text: styleData.value color: styleData.textColor anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter elide: styleData.elideMode leftPadding: 1 rightPadding: 1 } } } model: myModel }
I've printed some of my dataChanged calls which obviously have no effect in this case. I added trace calls to data() so I'm sure it's not called again.
emit dataChanged(index(0), index(11259), { (int)Roles::y }); emit dataChanged(index(0), index(11259), { (int)Roles::y }); emit dataChanged(index(0), index(11259), { (int)Roles::y });