SSL server and client not working
I need to create server and a client both using QSslSocket. I found an example that works fine on Qt4.8 but after a few changes I cannot run it on Qt5.
The problem is encryption never started(signal encrypted() is never emitted) also I get no errors.
Does anyone tried to run SslServer and SslClient? Are there any working examples?
Thanks in advance.
You can take a look at QtWebApp project:
It uses QSslSockets -
I dont think this example uses QSslSocket at all.
After some investigation I found out that client is sending some data after connecting to start handshake, but server does not response.
What is really strange socket->waitForEncypted(30000) alweys returns false and never waits the time(30 sec).
I've set both certificate and key so it should work. Any ideas?