Using of WebView module with Qt 5.6
Hi to everyone! I need to show html content in my application. I want to use WebView control for that.
But i don't know how to connect it with my project. Is it WebView module available only on iOS and Andoid? Coz i'm writing a desktop application (mingw).in my .pro file:
QT += qml quick webview
in .qml file:
import QtWebView 1.1
error is:
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: webview
( this module is downloaded through MaintenanceTool ) -
Depending on your needs, maybe you could use a Text element. It has some basic support for HTML.
Well, I think it's not available for Windows. I just tried compiling it with MSVC and got this:
Project ERROR: No WebView backend found!
Checking its source tree, we only see the following platform specific files:
qwebview_osx.mmIn addition to that, documentation is a bit vague:
WebView is a component for displaying web content which is implemented using native APIs on the platforms where this is available, thus it does not necessarily require including a full web browser stack as part of the application.
Maybe that's it.
For desktop platforms you can use qtwebengine -
for some unknown reason, QWebEngine no available for MinGW
Since WevView on desktop its just wrap up over QWebEngine, it does not available as well