Installer with Language Selection
Installation and Deployment
Hello Guys,
I have some Problems with the QT Installer
I already done all tutorials but i am a real newbie
What i need:
- an installer with a language Selection as first page
- adding a second (save) path in TargetDirectory
What i have:
- an installscript.js (package root)
- an ControlScript.js (path in config.xml)
What i tried:
- function Controller()
QMessageBox.information("DEBUG", "DEBUG", "DEBUG", QMessageBox.Ok);
installer.addWizardPage(component, "Start", QInstaller.Introduction);
QMessageBox.information("TEST", "TEST", "TEST", QMessageBox.Ok);
the Start.ui i placed in the config path but
nothing happens and the second MessageBox is never shown - the installer seems to be crashed- function Controller()
Controller.prototype.IntroductionPageCallback = function()
installer.addWizardPageItem(component ,"lineEdit",QInstaller.TargetDirectory);
same - nothing happens here installer crashed
hope you can help me to fix the code - and can someone please tell me how to change the language while the installer is running?
thanks a lot