Firefox start when close
Firefox start when close - console application (Linux)
header file
#ifndef MAPP_H #define MAPP_H #include<QCoreApplication> #include<QProcess> class mApp : public QCoreApplication { Q_OBJECT QProcess* fproc; const QString progName{"/usr/bin/firefox"}; const QStringList wwwSite{{"-new-window"},{"localhost"}}; public: mApp(int argc, char *argv[]); ~mApp(); signals: public slots: void ffoxClose(int a); }; #endif // MAPP_H
source file
#include "mapp.h" #include<QDebug> mApp::mApp(int argc, char *argv[]):QCoreApplication(argc, argv) { fproc=new QProcess(this); fproc->start(progName,wwwSite); connect(fproc,SIGNAL(finished(int)),this, SLOT(ffoxClose(int))); } mApp::~mApp() { fproc->close(); fproc->destroyed(); } void mApp::ffoxClose(int a) //gdy aplikacja się skończy to odpalam ponownie { qDebug()<<"1"; fproc->start(progName,wwwSite); }
I want to start firefox again when the firefox is closed.
my solution is wrong, because sometimes generates multiple browser windows. (sometimes work correctly )
My program sometimes, in an endless loop generates new Firefox window!!!
where is wrong??thank You for watching
Your code is correct. The problem here is that firefox always only runs a single process. Everytime you call /usr/bin/firefox it checks if there is already a running instance and if this is true it just tells it to open another window and then returns.
Perhaps a tiny bit unrelated to your question but have you considered using QDesktopServices instead of opening a whole process? The helper class will open the default browser the user uses, most of the time using the correct window. (at least in my experience)
thank you for ALL !!!
I present final solution
header#ifndef MAPP_H #define MAPP_H #include<QCoreApplication> #include<QProcess> #include<QFile> class mApp : public QCoreApplication { Q_OBJECT QProcess* fproc; const QString progName{"/usr/bin/firefox"}; const QStringList wwwSite{{"localhost"},{"-P marek"},{"-no-remote"}}; const QStringList killffox{{"firefox"}}; public: mApp(int argc, char *argv[]); ~mApp(); signals: public slots: void ffoxClose(int a); }; #endif // MAPP_H
#include "mapp.h" #include<QFileInfo> mApp::mApp(int argc, char *argv[]):QCoreApplication(argc, argv) { fproc=new QProcess(this); QFileInfo lock("/home/tygrysy/.mozilla/firefox/marek/lock"); //file exist when firefox is run if (lock.isSymLink()){ fproc->start("killall",killffox); fproc->waitForFinished(); } fproc->start(progName,wwwSite); connect(fproc,SIGNAL(finished(int)),this, SLOT(ffoxClose(int))); } mApp::~mApp() { fproc->close(); fproc->destroyed(); } void mApp::ffoxClose(int a) //gdy aplikacja się skończy to odpalam ponownie { QFileInfo lock("/home/tygrysy/.mozilla/firefox/marek/lock"); // file exist when firefox run :P if (!lock.isSymLink()){ fproc->start(progName,wwwSite); } }