QSqlQuery bindValue not working
General and Desktop
I am trying to use a query with parameters on Qt 5.5.1 and a SQLite Database. I can insert records without using parameters, but when I try and use parameters, I get a "parameter count mismatch".
I have tried all of the suggestions, I have found online. None have worked. My next step is to pull down the source for the SQLite Driver.
Any thoughts?
QString sql; QString filename = "c:\\scratch\\people.db"; QFile::remove(filename); QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); db.setDatabaseName(filename); if (!db.open()) { qDebug() << db.lastError().text(); return; } QSqlQuery q0; sql = "CREATE TABLE People (" "PersonId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "Name VARCHAR(100)" ")"; q0.exec(sql); QSqlQuery q1; sql = "INSERT INTO People (Name) VALUES ('Bob')"; if (!q1.exec(sql)) { qDebug() << q1.lastError().text(); } QSqlQuery q2; sql = "INSERT INTO People (Name) VALUES (:a)"; if (!q2.prepare(sql)) { qDebug() << "Unable to prepare"; } q2.bindValue(":a", "Dan"); if (!q2.exec(sql)) { QString msg; msg = "'" + q2.lastError().text() + "' when executing '" + q2.executedQuery() + "'"; qDebug() << msg; }