QT, Google AdWords API & gsoap
General and Desktop
Hello everyone !
I'm dealing with this situation for days but have no clue ! Please Help !!!
I need to communicate with Google AdWords API from QT Quick Application.
What I'm already done so far is get Access Token from Authentication Page.
I can make a request use QNetworkRequest and Service return the result.What I want to do is using gSoap generated code to send the same request.
But it return error code 30 : SOAP_SSL_ERRORWhat i'm missed?!
CampaignServiceSoapBindingProxy *campaignService; _targetNamespace__get *get = new _targetNamespace__get(); get->serviceSelector = new targetNamespace__Selector(); get->serviceSelector->fields.push_back(std::string("ID")); get->serviceSelector->fields.push_back(std::string("Name")); get->serviceSelector->fields.push_back(std::string("Status")); _targetNamespace__getResponse response; targetNamespace__SoapHeader *requestHeader = new targetNamespace__SoapHeader(); requestHeader->developerToken = &devToken; requestHeader->clientCustomerId = &customerId; requestHeader->userAgent = &userAgent; targetNamespace__SoapResponseHeader *responseHeader = new targetNamespace__SoapResponseHeader(); campaignService->soap_header(requestHeader, responseHeader); campaignService->fposthdr(campaignService, "Content-Type", "application/soap+xml"); campaignService->fposthdr(campaignService, "Authorization", QString("Bearer %1").arg(AccessToken()).toStdString().c_str()); int result = campaignService->get(get, response); if (result == SOAP_OK) { } else { }
Since the error is happening with gSoap you should try to contact them for help about that SSL error. Usually it's related to a certificate that has expired, changed or that's self-signed.