how to group the lcov coverage results of all the individual Unit Tests?
For my project I'm writing unit tests for most of the classes. I'm using the QTestLib framework and I'm creating a distinct project for each class I want to test.Following I manage to generate the coverage results for each test cases.
That's great but I'm wondering if there is a way to generate a global coverage for my project that would run all the different test cases.At the moment, I end up with many reports that only test a particular class. It would be great if I could get the overall report grouping the coverage of all the tests.
Anyone knows how to do it? Is there a good tutorial to help achieve it?
I don't have any knowledge of lcov, but I suppose this should be possible.Basically, after running my individual test case here is the structure of my results.
./mainProject (contains all the .h and .cpp, .pro) ./mainProject/tests/TestClass1 (test project for class1) ./mainProject/tests/TestClass2 (test project for class2) ./mainProject/tests/build-Test-Class1 (testClass1 executable, moc files, .o, gnco files and tlog) ./mainProject/tests/build-Test-Class2 (testClass2 executable, moc files, .o, gnco files and tlog)
what I would like is generate a report using the coverage results of all my folders ./mainProject/tests/build-Test-Class*