5.6 and VS 2015 plugin
I've recently started working with Qt, but don't care much for the Creator IDE. It's a great learning resource, but I prefer Visual Studio. I saw on the tools and versions page for 5.6 that VS2015 was supported, but after installing the 5.6 beta and the Qt vs addin I'm not seeing anything related to Qt within VS2015. What am I missing?
the Qt VS Addin isn't supported anymore since VS2013.
There is an (unofficial) addin available, but i don't know how well it's working.I recommend that you use QtCreator. QtCreator can also be configured to use the MSVC compiler installed on your system.
What you linked plugs into 2015 but doesn't work with 2015. Has issues defining a path to a Qt version.
I don't really care anything about specific compilers being used. If I push the button to build it and it runs, I'm happy. If I can't use a specific language feature because of an old compiler, I just don't use the feature. I prefer VS as a working environment over Creator.Why would the tools and versions page say it supports VS2015 if it doesn't?
as i said it's unofficial. So probably someones hobby project.
I believe there is already a bugreport to create a new VS package to bring back the feature but i can't find it right now. But i remember that the dev team mentioned that this doesn't have high priority.