How to implement QCookieJar in Qwebkit to keep session presist
what is the proper way to implement QCookieJar into Qwebkit so when i loading page that has "Keep me logged in" checkbox (that is using cokcies ) next time i visit the page it will keep me logged in. i followed the tutorial here :
in my constructor i set :
@m_cookieJar = new QCookieJar("Cookies.dat");@and then i set
@QNetworkAccessManager *m_manager;
m_manager->setCookieJar(m_cookieJar); @but its not working
I assume you either changed the name of the class on your implementation or you mistyped on your post (the class on the tutorial is called just CookieJar).
I did not check the tutorial but if I have to guess you are setting the cookie jar to a different instance of the networkmanager than the QWebPage is using.
If that is not the case, please post more of your code so we can help you.