LGPL Licence and Submitting Changes
I am new to Qt and had a question regarding making changes to the Qt source Code.
In order to allow for using the QPrinter to print a pdf to a QBuffer I altered some code in the Qt Framework (4.6.3). Now I believe I need to 'publish' my changes to it for the given license, What is the best way of doing this (I had to change three files).
To set the QBuffer you would use
@p.printEngine()->setProperty(QPrintEngine::PPK_OutputBuffer,QVariant::fromValue<void *> (b));@
Where QPrintEngine::PPK_OutputBuffer is a new value in the enum and b is a QBuffer*
Any help is appreciated
1.As per LGPL you need to provide the sourcecode of the library (i.e your modified QT) to the users who recieves your application.
2.If you think the changes that you made are relevant to QT upstream version, you can contribute the changes to QT. Refer http://developer.qt.nokia.com/contribute for details.