Is there an easy way of recursively copying files with QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA?
I have a recursive directory structure I'd like to copy into OSX/iOS app bundles. For example
MyStuff/ Mystuff/dir0/ Mystuff/dir0/file0 Mystuff/dir0/file1 Mystuff/dir1/ Mystuff/dir1/file2 Mystuff/dir1/file3
I have no problem doing this directory by directory with
MYSTUFF_DIR0.path = MyStuff/dir0 MYSTUFF_DIR0.files += $$files(MyStuff/dir0/file*) QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += MYSTUFF_DIR0 MYSTUFF_DIR1.path = MyStuff/dir1 MYSTUFF_DIR1.files += $$files(MyStuff/dir1/file*) QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += MYSTUFF_DIR1
but as directory hierarchies become deeper this gets painful.
An obvious solution looked like it might be to use the recursive option of $$files:
MYSTUFF.path = MyStuff/ MYSTUFF.files += $$files(Mystuff/*,true) QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += MYSTUFF_DIR0
but all that does is flatten the files into MyStuff/file0, MyStuff/file1, MyStuff/file2, MyStuff/file3 which isn't what I want.
Is there an easy trick for doing this?
Yes I do know about qrc files! Normally they'd be my first choice for including this sort of data (a few lines of script can generate the .qrc XML), but in this case I have good reason for wanting to keep the .app's data out of a qrc: my collaborators like to be able to hack on the files in the built osx app bundle to try out changes.