Why does creator builds to debug/release subdir ?
Hey guy,
yesterday I recognised a strange behavior with my Creator 2.2.
Most time I develop on my linux system and everthings fine.
But yesterday I would build my current project on my windows system
and the creator build the project executable to a debug or release subdir.
As far as I can remember this doesn't happen before, because since yesterday
my application doesn't work anymore becaus I refer some subdirs, which aren't
available in that subdirectories.But why could this happen ? And why so sudden ?
I tried everything to prevent the creator from doing this but I have no chance.Any ideas ?
Thanks -
What does your expected and actual directory layout look like now? It is a bit hard to tell from your description so far.
Do you use shadow building? Did you go through the Qt version selection dialog when you opened your project?
Hi Tobias,
my current project folder looks something like that.
src/configthe source directory is the one where I expected the executable to lie in.
the view and config are the directories I want to access.This worked well until now.
On my Linux system this works still perfect.
But my windows environment build the exe to the debug or release subdirectories.
Which looks something like this.src/
src/debug - here
src/release - or here lies the executableand in this case I can't get access to view/ or config/ because I expected these directories as a subdir
of the directory the executable lies in.I tried it with shadow building and and without.
bq. Did you go through the Qt version selection dialog when you opened your project?
Sorry but I didn't really understand this question.
I already tried different Qt versions, but every time I get the same result.