Controlling size of Items in Qml Styles
Hi all,
I'd like to create my own styled RadioButton, but I'm having difficulty controlling the size of the components used in the RadioButtonStyle that I am using. I want to put my RadioButton in a GridLayout and have the RadioButton take up all the available space (as if I were setting Layout.fillWidth and Layout.fillHeight to true)To start off with, I am using the RadioButtonStyle code from the Qt docs inside a GridLayout:
GridLayout { columns: 3 anchors.fill: parent RadioButton { text: "Radio Button" style: RadioButtonStyle { indicator: Rectangle { implicitWidth: 16 implicitHeight: 16 Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent visible: control.checked color: "#555" } } } } }
we can see that implicitWidth and implicitHeight of the indicator Rectangle are set int literals. I want to size the indicator Rectangle to fill the space provided by the layout.
I would like the width and height of the indicator Rectangle to track the width and height of the RadioButton, which in turn tracks the width and height of the GridLayout cell containing it.
Thanks in advance for any help
PS: I posted this on stackoverflow earlier but wondered whether Qt Forums would be a better place to post it.
@p3c0 Hi,
Thanks for the reply!
I've tried putting theLayout.fillWidth/Height
in the indicator item in the style.Like so..
GridLayout { anchors.fill: parent columns: 2 // ExclusiveGroup { id: tabPositionGroup } RadioButton { id: rdbt Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.maximumWidth: 200 Layout.maximumHeight: 200 property alias exclusiveGroup: rdbt.exclusiveGroup style: RadioButtonStyle { id: ab indicator: Rectangle { color: "blue" // height: control.height // width: control.width Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true
When I launch the app I see no blue square
However, when I do this...
RadioButton { id: rdbt Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.maximumWidth: 200 Layout.maximumHeight: 200 property alias exclusiveGroup: rdbt.exclusiveGroup style: RadioButtonStyle { id: ab indicator: Rectangle { color: "blue" height: control.height width: control.width
I get a blue square with max size [200,200]
If i omit the
, the QML goes into an infinite loop trying to set the dimensions. -
@hookie Check if the following works:
GridLayout { columns: 3 anchors.fill: parent RadioButton { id: button Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true style: RadioButtonStyle { indicator: Rectangle { implicitWidth: button.width/2 //reduce to half of radiobutton's width implicitHeight: button.height/2 border.width: 1 Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent visible: control.checked color: "#555" anchors.margins: 4 } } label: Text { text: "RadioButton" } } } }
@p3c0 Thanks for the suggestion. Sorry about the delay in replying.
I can achieve a good result by dividing by 1.1 instead of 2. Using 1.1 I get blue box just a little bit smaller than the radio button itself.
For some reason if I make the ration 1.01, the blue box exceeds the size of the radio button.
If I simple divide by 1.0, the application fails to get out of bed.