QtSerialPort and memory usage
Sorry, missed the .pro file. inlined it
Project created by QtCreator 2015-10-06T21:35:43
win32:LIBS += -lpsapi
QT += core serialport
QT -= gui
TARGET = Serial
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundleTEMPLATE = app
SOURCES += main.cpp
Still stable.
Do you have input on the serial ?
I will connect something that sends data. just to check.
How do you make it open console also ?
Here its just a process.
ignore last question. just saw its QDebug
Also, with input , I do see mem raising.
Testing more -
slowly from 12k to 17k. over time when it has input.
Also the pmc changes.
So yes. I see the same.
Will leave it running for some time to check if it stops. -
Yes, I do have a microcontroller reading values and outputting to serial port
continuously.Actually, the application I created is a console application. The info is output
with QDebug additionally.Nevertheless, you can choose to output with console without QDebug too.
CONFIG += console
in the .pro file
Create a output stream in the actual code
QTextStream out(stdout);
and output whatever required
out << "Something" << endl;
Can you please test same with the virtual com0com: http://sourceforge.net/projects/com0com/
A signed driver for x64: https://code.google.com/p/powersdr-iq/downloads/detail?name=setup_com0com_W7_x64_signed.exe&can=2&q= -
How should I configure com0com ?
Just create a pair with the "use port class" and "eneble buffer overrun" (via setupg.exe ui)
just as a virtual port or as a loop ?
as a two virtual ports. . e.g. COM1 as receiver for qserialport and COM2 as sender for other software (e.g. I have used Termite app to send).
Yes, I too can reproduce this memory leak..
Probably it is a bug of QWinOverlappedIoNotifier : https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-48653
Let's wait for more info about..