Use a PinchArea on ListView
I want to use PinchArea on ListView. Unfortunately, I think that the flickable function(office) of ListView is in conflict with PinchArea and I have to use 3 fingers so that PinchArea works correctly.
This is an example of my code :
import QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import QtQuick.XmlListModel 2.0 ApplicationWindow { id: app visible: true width: 640 height: 480 Component { id: rssDelegate Column { Label { text: '<h2><b>'+ title+ '</b></h2>' color: "steelblue" wrapMode: Text.WordWrap width: listview.width } Label { text: description + '<br>' wrapMode: Text.WordWrap width: listview.width } Label { text: "<i>PubliƩ le : " + pubDate + "</i><br><br>" wrapMode: Text.WordWrap width: listview.width } } } PinchArea{ anchors.fill: parent listview pinch.minimumScale: 0.1 pinch.maximumScale: 5 pinch.dragAxis: Pinch.XAndYAxis } ListView { id: listview anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 5 model: xmlModel delegate: rssDelegate } XmlListModel{ id: xmlModel source: "" query: "/rss/channel/item" XmlRole { name: "title"; query: "title/string()" } XmlRole { name: "pubDate"; query: "pubDate/string()" } XmlRole { name: "description"; query: "description/string()" } } }
I tried to use the property pressDelay ListView and also a MultiTouchArea to see if one or two fingers were used, but I still have the same problem.
Have you an idea.
Thank you in advance.
Did you solve this issue ?
I am interessted, because I am facing the same problem.
Thank you so much !Cheers,