How and Where to start to build a game using Qt
Thanks Chuck.Gao and ZapB...
I tried to run the 5 in a row game given by Qt and I'm getting this error
bq. Cannot open include file :'QGLWidget' No such file or directory
does the QtOpenGL module libraries come with the Qt SDK or we have to include like a plugin...
I'm using Nokia's Qt Creator 2.0.1 - Based on Qt 4.7.0 (32 bit)
You need to add:
QT += opengl
@to your .pro file and re-run qmake if you wish to use OpenGL. This tells qmake to append the necessary include and library search paths to the generated Makefiles.
I've not looked at the example to see if this does so or even needs OpenGL.
Thanks ZapB... It worked.....
but it now shows multiple errors in 'gl.h' that is
bq. syntax error: 'void' should be preceeded by ';'
when I checked this error... it points to this line in gl.h
bq. WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glAccum (GLenum op, GLfloat value);
I got this project from this link:
"5 in a row": the source code tar.gz file of the title 5 in a row
It depends on the complexity of the game.
For your game, I would recommend QML. Do you need to learn Qt/C++ for your class though?Here is a QML game that uses 'levels' so you can see how transitions work: