Hidding an item outside viewport of a ListView
This is my first topic here. I've been learning QtQuick for about a week and I'm facing a weird behaviour on what I'm trying to achieve. I would like to make a vertical ListView with a Keyboard navigation so that when I press UP or DOWN, the items move up or down and if an item goes out or in the "viewport", its opacity property will change smoothly to 0 or 1.
Here my QML code :
import QtQuick 2.4 Rectangle { width:200 height:400 ListView { property int activePosition:1 property int itemDisplayed:3 width:parent.width-50 height:parent.height-50 anchors.centerIn:parent model:10 snapMode:ListView.SnapToItem focus:true cacheBuffer:2000 Component.onCompleted: { console.log(count+' != '+contentItem.children.length+' ???') } Keys.onPressed: { var i = 0 console.log('pos='+activePosition) console.log(count+' != '+contentItem.children.length+' ???') if (event.key === Qt.Key_Up) { if (activePosition == 1 && currentIndex > 0) { i = currentIndex+itemDisplayed-1 if (i < contentItem.children.length - 2/* why -2 instead of -1 ??? */) { console.log('out='+i) contentItem.children[i].state = 'out' } } activePosition = activePosition > 1 ? activePosition - 1 : activePosition } if (event.key === Qt.Key_Down) { if (activePosition == itemDisplayed && currentIndex < contentItem.children.length - 2) { i = currentIndex-itemDisplayed+1 if (i >= 0) { console.log('out='+i) contentItem.children[i].state = 'out' } } activePosition = activePosition < itemDisplayed ? activePosition + 1 : activePosition } } delegate:Rectangle { id:rect state:index < ListView.view.itemDisplayed ? 'in' : 'out' opacity:1.0 width:ListView.view.width height:ListView.view.height/ListView.view.itemDisplayed border.color:'white' border.width:1 color:activeFocus ? 'red': 'gray' onActiveFocusChanged: { if (activeFocus) { state = 'in' console.log('in='+index) } } states: [ State { name:'in'; PropertyChanges { target:rect; opacity:1.0 } }, State { name:'out'; PropertyChanges { target:rect; opacity:0.0 } } ] transitions: [ Transition { to:'in' NumberAnimation { property:'opacity'; duration:250 } }, Transition { to:'out' NumberAnimation { property:'opacity'; duration:250 } } ] Text { text:index anchors.centerIn:parent } } } }
First question : model=10, why model.count is not equal to contentItem.children.length ? onCompleted gives 5 vs 11 and during navigation 10 vs 11
Second question:If I press UP or DOWN, it works fine until I reach index=4, why ?
As I'm a beginner on QtQuick so maybe it's not the right approch. I tried to use the "visible" property but every items have visible=true even if they are outside. I tried also indexAt() with no success.
Any help would be great :-)
set clip property to true.
About my first question, I found the answer : contentItem.children.length contains 11 elements because there are 10 Rectangles (from the model) and the ListView itself.
Knowing that, I cannot rely on the contentItem.children's indexes vs. currentIndex because it won't match. That's why I'm having problem at index=4 because contentItem.children[4] is the ListView. By using the itemAt() method instead of indexAt(), I succeeded to achieve what I wanted :-)