Database is locked. Unable to fetch row in "DETACH DATABASE..."
In my restless dreams I see this code:
bool DatabaseManager::saveEncryptedDatabase(const QString &path, const QString &password) { QSqlQuery q; q.exec(QString("ATTACH DATABASE '%1' AS encrypted KEY '%2'").arg(path, password)); Utils::handleSqlError(q); q.exec(QString("SELECT sqlcipher_export('encrypted')")); Utils::handleSqlError(q); q.exec("DETACH DATABASE encrypted"); Utils::handleSqlError(q); return true; }
is printing error if any occured.
Result:"SQL Query Error: database encrypted is locked Unable to fetch row in\nDETACH DATABASE encrypted"
I have even delayed it to timer and tried to detach every 250ms. No luck. I've tried with transactions. Still nothing though.
I've got dandruff on my head.