Multimedia support in QtWebKit
As you know qt multimedia framework PHONON can not support seek which leads to QtWebKit can not support seek for stream defined in html 5 "video" tag. I heared that Qt plans to replace PHONON with QtMutlimeida. However after checking source code of Qt 4.7.3 i find PHONON is still used as multimeida engine. So does that means Qt 4.7.3 still not support seek?
And another issue is qt-mobility module. From its name this module is used for mobile development and in its source code it also includes muttimedia related code. Is it possible to use qt-mobility in desk environment?
Thanks if someone can answer thes qustions. I found many discussion about multiemedia support in qt but still not clear.
Jianhua -
Qt-Mobility is a Qt API that you can also use in desk platforms.
Take a look at :- "":
- "":
- "":
Thanks for your reply.
In fact I know Qt-Mobility but I am not sure if Qt-Mobility is able to integrate with QtWebKit. What I want to do is to use QtWebkit and replace its defulat playback engine with my customized enginee. This has been done with Phonon in Qt 4.6 but it has some limitations. In Qt 4.7.3 source code it seems QtMultimeida is planed to be integrated and replace Phonon in future but still not available so far.
They can’t even if they wanted to do such change at this point; maybe in Qt 5, and I wouldn’t even see total strange thing, but now changing it would mean breaking ABI, and that’s not the way to go.
So qt-webkit relies on phonon and qt-multimedia will arrive in 4.8 AFAIK which can be used for about everything else. qt-multimedia is also inside above mentioned qt-mobility package. For Qt 5, who knows what will future bring to us :)