How to use QSqlQuery with "to_timestamp"?
I would like to use "to_timestamp" to write a timestamp into my database.
If I execute this line everything works really fine:
QSqlQuery insert; insert.exec("INSERT INTO t_measured_data (number, angle, time)" "VALUES (10,3.4,to_timestamp('2015-09-01 13:36:38:999', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss:ms'))")
Of course I would like to insert values from a function and therefore I would like to use the "bind"-syntax.
If I write it like the following it gives me an error:
QString test="to_timestamp('2015-09-01 13:36:38:999', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss:ms')" ; insert.prepare("INSERT INTO t_measured_data (number, angle, time)" "VALUES (:number, :angle, :time)"); insert.bindValue(":number",QString::number(Number) ); insert.bindValue(":angle", QString::number(Angle,'f', 2) ); insert.bindValue(":time", test ); if (!insert.exec()) qDebug() << "Error!" << insert.lastError().text() ;
Where is the error?
What it the correct way to use "to_timestamp"?Thank you very much :-)