Drawing cross-platform pie chart on a design form
Hi all,
Can anybody help me in drawing a cross-platform pie chart on a design form(dialog) for a desktop application? or lemme know if there are any supporting classes for developing this.
many thanks,
If you want to draw freely in a QWidget or class that inherits it you should overload the protected virtual method "paintEvent":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qwidget.html#paintEvent and use "QPainter":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qpainter.html
I would recommend you to search for a Qt library specialized for charts. I have heard about "Qwt":http://qwt.sourceforge.net/ but I have never used it personally.
Leon -
you could have a look at "the chart item view example":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/itemviews-chart.html example.
bq. The Chart example shows how to create a custom view for the model/view framework.
It's a view that draws a chart, base on a model.
You have lots of options:
KDAB and ICS each offer commercial Qt source code packages which contain lots of charting diagrams.GraphicsView is slightly more heavyweight than a naked QPainter but makes drawing easier, (and especially interaction if needed).
hi all,
to continue with..i want to capture the co-ordinates of each pie which is drawn on a dialog when user clicks on a pie and open a new window with corresponding details....can anyone guide me how to
- to use the mouse button events
- to convert the LP->DP and DP ->LP
This is how my code goes...
int Nightcharts::draw(QPainter *painter)
if (this->ctype==Nightcharts::Pie)
pW = 0;
double pdegree = 0;//Options QLinearGradient gradient(cX+0.5*cW,cY,cX+0.5*cW,cY+cH*2.5); gradient.setColorAt(1,Qt::black); //Draw //pdegree = (360/100)*pieces[i].pPerc; if (shadows) { double sumangle = 0; for (int i=0;i<pieces.size();i++) { sumangle += 3.6*pieces[i].pPerc; } painter->setBrush(Qt::darkGray); painter->drawPie(cX,cY+pW+5,cW,cH,palpha*16,sumangle*16); } QPen pen; pen.setWidth(2); for (int i=0;i<pieces.size();i++) { gradient.setColorAt(0,pieces[i].rgbColor); painter->setBrush(gradient); pen.setColor(pieces[i].rgbColor); painter->setPen(pen); pdegree = 3.6*pieces[i].pPerc; painter->drawPie(cX,cY,cW,cH,palpha*16,pdegree*16); palpha += pdegree; }
my idea is when user clicks on a pie, get the RGB at that particular co-ordinates(X,Y)..compare the RGB with pieces[i].rgbColor..get the pie name and hence diaplay the details in a new window..
but I need your help in writing the code to get the pixel color of a window on mouse click..
many thanks in advance...