Qt Creator compiler Exception
QtCreator 3.4.1 - MSVC compiler
I get a lot of this message in the Issues tab. This disturbes to the compiler but is irritating.
(First shown error is not the error in code.):-1: error: Exception at 0x779b4598, code: 0x800706ba: , flags=0x1 (execution cannot be continued) (first chance)
AFAIK that problem would occur also outside of Qt creator. At least I had the same problem in the past when still using MSVC. At that time I have used MSVC with Qt libs only. MSVC was the IDE hosting the whole compiling process.
In my case it was the shear amount of errors in one compilation run. The compiler had apparently memory allocation issue and gave up.
Following this logic you have to divide your project into smaller pieces until you have located the real problem which is somewhere in your code.