coordinate mapping
Hello Guys
I've been working on a physics simulation, and I've been having some trouble with cordinates.I haven't been able to find how the scenes are mapped, and to what objects are mapped ot when I don't use mapToScene();
My Code is as follows:
Ball::Ball() { //random start angle angle = (qrand() % 360); setRotation(angle); //set the speed speed = 5; //random start position int StartX = 0; int StartY = 0; if((qrand() % 1)) { StartX = (qrand() % 200); StartY = (qrand() % 200); } else { StartX = (qrand() % 100); StartY = (qrand() % 100); } setPos(mapToScene(StartX,StartY)); qDebug() << "xposition:" << pos().x(); qDebug() << "yposition:" << pos().y(); qDebug() << "xposition mapped:" << mapToScene(pos()).x(); qDebug() << "yposition mapped:" << mapToScene(pos()).y(); }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); scene = new QGraphicsScene (this); ui->graphicsView->setScene (scene); ui->graphicsView->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); double sceneULx = -400; double sceneULy = 200; double scenewidth = 800; double sceneheight = 400; scene->setSceneRect(sceneULx, sceneULy,scenewidth,sceneheight); QPen mypen = QPen(Qt::red); QLineF TopLine(scene->sceneRect().topLeft(),scene->sceneRect().topRight()); QLineF LeftLine(scene->sceneRect().topLeft(),scene->sceneRect().bottomLeft()); QLineF RightLine(scene->sceneRect().bottomRight(),scene->sceneRect().topRight()); QLineF BottomLine(scene->sceneRect().bottomLeft(),scene->sceneRect().bottomRight()); scene->addLine(TopLine,mypen); scene->addLine(LeftLine,mypen); scene->addLine(RightLine,mypen); scene->addLine(BottomLine,mypen); int ItemCount = 5; for(int i = 0; i <ItemCount; i++) { Ball *item = new Ball(); scene->addItem(item); } timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer,SIGNAL(timeout()), scene,SLOT(advance())); timer->start(10); }
currently all the objects I generate are not in the area of the scene, which doesn't make any sense to me since I thought that the upper left corner of the scene was 0/0 and it went into the positive when you went down or to the right.
also the qDebugs yield following results:
xposition: 25.6601
yposition: 22.306
xposition mapped: 30.392
yposition mapped: 55.9751
xposition: -56.6299
yposition: 79.0004
xposition mapped: -136.607
yposition mapped: 23.7579
xposition: 31.6448
yposition: 32.3822
xposition mapped: 76.5177
yposition mapped: 38.4172
xposition: 50.017
yposition: -97.4695
xposition mapped: -59.4804
yposition mapped: -93.9612
xposition: -44.0378
yposition: 9.25605
xposition mapped: -33.8154
yposition mapped: -34.5675I can't really find a correlation between the mapped and the unmapped numbers and it is also very strange the the mapped numbers have decimals altough I define them with an int.
I hope somebody can help me clear my confusion with the coordinate system of this programm.