remote debugging between 2 ubuntu PC's: deployment step failes: Cannot exec : no such file or directory
Hi All,
I am trying to understand remote debugging. Therefore I'm writing a wiki guide on it. I am amble to make a ssh connection from one virtual ubuntu PC to another, but I get the following error during deployment:
"Initial setup failed: Application finished with exit code 1"
Application output shows the following error: " Cannot exec : no such file or directory "
The only thing I installed on the target PC is openssh-server. What else is needed?
Kind regards,
Cedric -
Hi All,
I have also installed qt-sdk on the target ubuntu machine, to see if there was a library missing. Now I can build & debug programs on the target just fine, but still I get the below errors when I try to deploy from the master to the slave ubuntu machine. So i don think there was a library missing after all. I wonder why gdb reports an internal error.Any idea's?
Kind regards,
Qt creator 3.1.1 based on Qt 5.4.1 (gcc 4.9.2, 32 bit)
ubuntu 15.04 32 bit
Linux Master 3.19.0-15-generic #15-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 16 23:32:01 UTC 2015 i686 athlon i686 GNU/LinuxPop-up screen:
Adapter start failed
Adapter setup failed: Application finished with exit code 1Application output:
Debugging starts
Process created; pid = 2173
Cannot exec : No such file or directory.Child exited with status 127
Killing process(es): 2173
/build/buildd/gdb-7.9/gdb/gdbserver/linux-low.c:969: A problem internal to GDBserver has been detected.
kill_wait_lwp: Assertion `res > 0' failed.
Debugging has failed
Debugging has finishedCompile output:
09:13:27: Running steps for project untitled...
09:13:27: Configuration unchanged, skipping qmake step.
09:13:27: Starting: "/usr/bin/make"
make: Nothing to be done for 'first'.
09:13:27: The process "/usr/bin/make" exited normally.
09:13:27: Connecting to device...
09:13:28: The remote file system has 42265 megabytes of free space, going ahead.
09:13:28: Deploy step finished.
09:13:28: No deployment action necessary. Skipping.
09:13:28: Deploy step finished.
09:13:28: Elapsed time: 00:01.add button to the form (to trigger recompilation)
compile output:
09:19:29: Running steps for project untitled...
09:19:29: Configuration unchanged, skipping qmake step.
09:19:29: Starting: "/usr/bin/make"
/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/uic ../untitled/mainwindow.ui -o ui_mainwindow.h
g++ -c -pipe -g -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -fPIE -DQT_WIDGETS_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -I../untitled -I. -isystem /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/qt5 -isystem /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/QtWidgets -isystem /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/QtGui -isystem /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/QtCore -I. -I. -I/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/mkspecs/linux-g++ -o mainwindow.o ../untitled/mainwindow.cpp
g++ -o untitled main.o mainwindow.o moc_mainwindow.o -lQt5Widgets -lQt5Gui -lQt5Core -lGL -lpthread
09:19:32: The process "/usr/bin/make" exited normally.
09:19:32: The remote file system has 42167 megabytes of free space, going ahead.
09:19:32: Deploy step finished.
09:19:32: No deployment action necessary. Skipping.
09:19:32: Deploy step finished.
09:19:32: Elapsed time: 00:03.Application output:
Debugging starts
Process created; pid = 2449
Cannot exec : No such file or directory.Child exited with status 127
Killing process(es): 2449
/build/buildd/gdb-7.9/gdb/gdbserver/linux-low.c:969: A problem internal to GDBserver has been detected.
kill_wait_lwp: Assertion `res > 0' failed.
Debugging has failed
Debugging has finished -
According to this bug report, this happens when gdbserver is run on a non-existent debuggee can I check this? In qt creator, under options, devices, ubuntu-target test, I see the connection to the target ubuntu machine is OK:
I get the following output:
Connecting to host...
Checking kernel version...
Linux 3.19.0-15-generic i686
Checking if specified ports are available...
All specified ports are available.
Device test finished successfully.Under optons-build&run,kits,ubuntu-target I don have sysroot. Can this be a problem?
Name: ubuntu-target
Device type: generic linux device
Device: ubuntu-target (default for generic device)
Compiler: GCC (x86 32 bit in /usr/bin)
Debugger: System GDB at /usr/bin/gdb
Qt version: Qt 5.4.1 in PATH (qt5)Kind regards,