Copy ListModel or complete ListView Component
I want to "save" a model state within a ListView.
I fact I have created a navigation tree where you can click on a folder and the content of the listview model will be updated with the content of this folder.
So, how to backup e.g the parent folder?
I try to push the list model on a stack with
stack.push("backup.qml", {listModel: list.model})
but it seems that it only stores the reference of the model. If the model changes also the "backup" on the stack will change. I need something like a deep copy for qml elements.
Hi @sk2212,
Do you mean you want to copy the contents of aListModel
? -
Hmmm...okay, I think it works now.
I will create "backup.qml" dynamically with Qt.createComponent() and createObject(root, {listModel: ListModel}).
After that I access the property listModel in the created component, iterate over the current listModel which should be backuped and append that items in the listModel of the new-created component.
At the end I push the new-created component on stack to be able to backup more than one "state" of the model.