MapItemView is not updating upon model dataChanged signals
I can't get having a MapItemView updated whenever data are changed inside the model.
The MapItemView is well behaving when a new entry is added to the model but it is not reflecting the changes when an existing entry has been modified.The model I have used is a QAbstractListModel based model. The model is working correctly when used together with a ListView : every changes in the model (new entry or modification of an existing entry) are showed in the ListView.
I first experienced this with Qt 5.4 but it is the same with Qt5.5.To demonstrate my issue, please find below a small example with a MapItemView and a ListModel (i.o a C++ model). What does I miss ?
import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtLocation 5.3 import QtPositioning 5.0 Window { visible: true width : 1024 height:768 Map { id: map anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 50 plugin: Plugin{ name:"osm";} center: QtPositioning.coordinate(47.1, -1.6) zoomLevel: map.maximumZoomLevel MapItemView{ id:mapItemView model: dummyModel delegate: MapQuickItem { //anchorPoint: id:delegateMQI rotation: model.Azimuth sourceItem: Rectangle{ id:defaultDelegate width:32 height:32 radius:16 opacity: 0.6 rotation:Azimuth color:Color Text{ text: Azimuth anchors.centerIn : parent } } coordinate: QtPositioning.coordinate(Latitude,Longitude) } } MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { //Modify an item var newAzim = Math.random()*360; dummyModel.setProperty(0, "Azimuth", newAzim); //Check modification console.log("Azim:" + dummyModel.get(0).Azimuth ); dummyModel.setProperty(0, "Color", "blue"); //add a new item dummyModel.append({"Latitude": 47.05 + Math.random() *0.1, "Longitude":-1.65 + Math.random() *0.1, "Azimuth":0, "Color":"red"}) console.log("Nb item:" + dummyModel.count ); map.update(); map.fitViewportToMapItems(); } } } ListModel{ id:dummyModel ListElement { Latitude: 47.1 Longitude: -1.6 Azimuth: 10.0 Color:"red" } } }