sddm returns a QT error
I am trying to get sddm working under linux. I am trying to make it use the KDE 5 default theme and getting these error messages :
QObject::installEventFilter(): Cannot filter events for objects in a different thread.
QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
(Parent is SDDM::GreeterApp(0x7fffba842e70), parent's thread is QThread(0x244ae60), current thread is QThread(0x24876d0).Why am I getting these messages ?
You're going to need to ask sddm devs/support forums on that one. I can tell you why that would be happening Qt wise but it wouldn't help you get sddm working.
That being said I use sddm-0.11.0 with no problems during build. I'm using Qt 5.4.2 for sddm's build if that helps you.
I can try to help you get it working,
- what linux distro/ver are you using
- how did you install sddm? Did you build it? or use a binary dist?
- What version of Qt is sddm built against?
- What version of Qt are you running on your system"?
- What version of sddm are you trying to use?
- What rc system are you using? systemd/openrc?
- How did you start sddm?
- Are you using a custom sddm config file? i.e. I used
sddm --example-config > /etc/sddm.conf
to create my config file, then modified that. This may be distro specific though.
I digged a little into sddm source code to find the code causing this and this is what I found. I added setenv manually so it finds the KDE QML files. Is there some kind of initialization not done ? The messages appear when ScreenModel() is called.
//// GreeterApp.cpp
GreeterApp::GreeterApp(int &argc, char **argv) : QGuiApplication(argc, argv) { // point instance to this self = this; // Parse arguments bool testing = false; if (arguments().contains("--test-mode")) testing = true; // get socket name QString socket = parameter(arguments(), "--socket", ""); setenv("QML2_IMPORT_PATH", "/opt/qt5/lib/qt5/qml:/usr/lib/qt5/qml:/lib/qt5/qml:/opt/kf5/lib/qt5/qml", 1); setenv("QML_IMPORT_PATH", "/opt/qt5/lib/qt5/qml:/usr/lib/qt5/qml:/lib/qt5/qml:/opt/kf5/lib/qt5/qml", 1); // get theme path QString themePath = parameter(arguments(), "--theme", ""); // create view m_view = new QQuickView(); m_view->setResizeMode(QQuickView::SizeRootObjectToView); m_view->engine()->addImportPath(IMPORTS_INSTALL_DIR); // read theme metadata m_metadata = new ThemeMetadata(QString("%1/metadata.desktop").arg(themePath)); // Translations // Components translation m_components_tranlator = new QTranslator(); if (m_components_tranlator->load(QLocale::system(), "", "", COMPONENTS_TRANSLATION_DIR)) installTranslator(m_components_tranlator); // Theme specific translation m_theme_translator = new QTranslator(); if (m_theme_translator->load(QLocale::system(), "", "", QString("%1/%2/").arg(themePath, m_metadata->translationsDirectory()))) installTranslator(m_theme_translator); // get theme config file QString configFile = QString("%1/%2").arg(themePath).arg(m_metadata->configFile()); // read theme config m_themeConfig = new ThemeConfig(configFile); // set default icon theme from greeter theme if (m_themeConfig->contains("iconTheme")) QIcon::setThemeName(m_themeConfig->value("iconTheme").toString()); // set cursor theme according to greeter theme if (m_themeConfig->contains("cursorTheme")) qputenv("XCURSOR_THEME", m_themeConfig->value("cursorTheme").toString().toUtf8()); // create models m_sessionModel = new SessionModel(); /////////// ScreenModel() is called here m_screenModel = new ScreenModel(); m_userModel = new UserModel(); m_proxy = new GreeterProxy(socket); m_keyboard = new KeyboardModel(); if(!testing && !m_proxy->isConnected()) { qCritical() << "Cannot connect to the daemon - is it running?"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Set numlock upon start if (m_keyboard->enabled()) { if (mainConfig.Numlock.get() == MainConfig::NUM_SET_ON) m_keyboard->setNumLockState(true); else if (mainConfig.Numlock.get() == MainConfig::NUM_SET_OFF) m_keyboard->setNumLockState(false); } m_proxy->setSessionModel(m_sessionModel); // connect proxy signals QObject::connect(m_proxy, SIGNAL(loginSucceeded()), m_view, SLOT(close())); // set context properties m_view->rootContext()->setContextProperty("sessionModel", m_sessionModel); m_view->rootContext()->setContextProperty("screenModel", m_screenModel); m_view->rootContext()->setContextProperty("userModel", m_userModel); m_view->rootContext()->setContextProperty("config", *m_themeConfig); m_view->rootContext()->setContextProperty("sddm", m_proxy); m_view->rootContext()->setContextProperty("keyboard", m_keyboard); // get theme main script QString mainScript = QString("%1/%2").arg(themePath).arg(m_metadata->mainScript()); // set main script as source m_view->setSource(QUrl::fromLocalFile(mainScript)); // connect screen update signals connect(m_screenModel, SIGNAL(primaryChanged()), this, SLOT(show())); show(); }
//// ScreenModel.cpp
ScreenModel::ScreenModel(QObject *parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent), d(new ScreenModelPrivate()) { // The messages appear at this code connect(QGuiApplication::instance(), SIGNAL(screenAdded(QScreen*)), this, SLOT(onScreenAdded(QScreen*))); initScreens(true); }