Expected ',' or '...' before 'protected' error!
Hello guys, :-)
I'm creating an OpenGL simulation for my simulation program. I included the header files from my simulation in my Qt program. I got this error while trying to compile.
the whole class I'm using is as follows:
class LowPassGaussian
double currValue;
const gsl_rng_type *T;
gsl_rng r;
bool lowPassGaussianStep(double &signal, double cutoff_freq, double amplitude, double sampling_rate);
bool lowPassGaussianStep(const vector<double> &signals, double cutoff_freq, double amplitude, double sampling_rate); //error occurs here at the vector part
@Note: I have "using namespace std" at the beginning of the file. And I tried adding std:: to the vector definion but no use!!!
This program is compiling on Linux g++ with no problems, but on windows with MinGW and QT it doesn't compile.
Could you guys please help? I don't really know how to start with this! I tried everything I know!!!
Thank you :-)
I'm sorry, I don't mean the same program compiles on Linux. I mean the header files I'm using compile on Linux. The same problems occur on linux when compiling through Qt.
Could you please post the error you're getting, and the complete file where the LowPassGaussian lies?
As several people usually say, the crystal ball doesn't always works.Also : please use @ tags to have a proper rendering of the C++ code, and it's Qt not QT.
This is my first time in this forum. I'm sorry I didn't know about the "@" thingy. Thank you for fixing my code.
The line that caused the error is the line that contains a function with first parameter vector<double*>. The line is marked with a comment at the end of it.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_fft_real.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
#include "../libsrc/Exception_sam_base.h"
#include "../libsrc/ToString.h"using namespace std;
class HighPass
double prevOutput, prevInput, currInput, currOutput;
void highPassStep(double &input, double &output, double time_const);
void highPassRandomStep(double &signal, double time_const, double amplitude);
};class LowPassGaussian
double currValue;
const gsl_rng_type *T;
gsl_rng r;
bool lowPassGaussianStep(double &signal, double cutoff_freq, double amplitude, double sampling_rate);
bool lowPassGaussianStep(const vector<double> &signals, double cutoff_freq, double amplitude, double sampling_rate); //error here
@The file is big and contains other classes. I posted here everything and removed the other classes. I hope this suffices
Thank you in advance!
is this file a Qt File?
Does it include soem Qt headers in some way?I ask as signals is a pre processor define in Qt!
signals is defines in <QtPath>\src\corelib\kernel\qobjectdefs.h
#ifndef Q_MOC_RUNif defined(QT_NO_KEYWORDS)
define QT_NO_EMIT
define slots
define signals protected // this leads to problems in your code
define Q_SLOTS
define Q_SIGNALS protected
define Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, signature)
define Q_EMIT
ifndef QT_NO_EMIT
define emit
I got it guys! the word "signals" is reserved in Qt!! that's it!! I changed it and everything went fine! :D
OMG!! this is very embarrassing :$
Thanks for you efforts guys! :D