QtCreator bug in BOOST_FOREACH - I kindly ask for your vote.
If there are some QtCreator enthusiasts/fans here, I would appreciate a small support by voting on bug in order to speed its fixing.
Page for vote : https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-14124It is very annoying bug for those who cannot yet use C++11 ‘for’ loop and are forced to use BOOST_FOREACH in the code.
QtCreator does not find references/usages of any variables/functions/types used inside BOOST_FOREACH, generally making development much harder.
It basically “hides the truth”.I hope that the more votes will be casted over this bug the sooner it gets fixed.
P.S. I know that QtCreator is opensource project and in theory one could fix it, but diving into the QtCreator code (especially codemodel) is extremely hard and time consuming for a beginner.
Thanks in advance!