TableView rowDelegate - Getting values of column prior to commiting to table
How to get a handle to values of TableView before they are commited to table. Below is a clip of my code, in the row delegate I have a Save button and when clicked I would like to get a handle to all the fields of the row delegate. (there are 4) . If anyone has a clue please scroll down to the save button below and look at the onClicked Method.
Thank you very much for any info you can provide.
TableView { id:serverTable anchors.margins:15 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right titleArea.bottom anchors.topMargin: fm.height*2 anchors.bottom: anchors.bottomMargin: 15 alternatingRowColors: true selectionMode: SelectionMode.SingleSelection model: serverListModel; onCurrentRowChanged : { console.log("CURRENT ROW CHANGED"); } rowDelegate: Rectangle { height: styleData.selected ? fm.height*1.8 : fm.height*1.3 Behavior on height{ NumberAnimation{} } color: styleData.selected ? "lightsteelblue" : (styleData.alternate? "white" : "#DDE8FF") RowLayout { id: buttons x: nameCol.width + ipCol.width + portCol.width + maxRetriesCol.width + 20 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter visible: styleData.selected ? true : false spacing: 10 Button { id: saveB text: "Save" style : ButtonStyle { background: Rectangle { implicitWidth: 60 implicitHeight: fm.height*1.2 border.width: control.activeFocus ? 2 : 1 border.color: "#888" radius: 5 gradient: Gradient { GradientStop { position: 0 ; color: control.pressed ? "#ccc" : "#eee" } GradientStop { position: 1 ; color: control.pressed ? "#aaa" : "#ccc" } } } } onClicked: { console.log("Row = " + styleData.row); //console.log("What goes here to get contents of cell = " + nameCol.); // TRYING TO GET CONTENTS OF COL 0 } } Button { id: canceB text: "Cancel" style : ButtonStyle { background: Rectangle { implicitWidth: 60 implicitHeight: 22 border.width: control.activeFocus ? 2 : 1 border.color: "#888" radius: 4 gradient: Gradient { GradientStop { position: 0 ; color: control.pressed ? "#ccc" : "#eee" } GradientStop { position: 1 ; color: control.pressed ? "#aaa" : "#ccc" } } } } } } } TableViewColumn { id: nameCol role: "name" title: "Name" width: 100 } TableViewColumn { id: ipCol role: "ip" title: "IP Address" width: 200 } TableViewColumn { id : portCol role: "port" title: "Port" width: 80 } TableViewColumn { id: maxRetriesCol role: "maxRetries" title: "Max Retries" width: 100 } itemDelegate: { return editableDelegate; }
Edited: Please use ``` for posting code blocks - p3c0
Hi @DBoosalis
is a C++ model better to do it on model side. You can write aQ_INVOKABLE
function in model to grab the data and call it from QML. If it is aListModel
you can iterate the model and useget
to fetch data. Eg:tableView.model.get(0).title