[SOLVED]Error while using signal slots with arrays.
I have two classes:
class Details : public QWidget
class Viewport : public QMainWindow
Inside my Viewport constructor I initialise
m_details = new Details;
and connect them using signals/slots
connect(this, SIGNAL(thisUpdated(int, int, int)), m_details, SLOT(update(int, int, int)));
I have declared the signal for the Viewport
signals: void thisUpdated(int, int, int);
and the slot for my Details class
private slots: void update(int, int, int);
I emit my signal in this manner
thisUpdated(*vals1, *vals2, length);
vals1 and 2 are arrays
int * vals1; vals1 = new int[length];
and inside my Details view the slot is implemented like this
void Details::update(int val1, int val2, int length) { // some operations. }
If I run the program though I get
QObject::connect: No such slot QWidget::update(int, int, int) in
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here?