OpenCV Error: LNK1181: cannot open input file 'opencv_core2410.dll.lib'
I am new to the Qt ide, and am still learning C++. So I apologize in advance if I do not quite understand something.
I am trying to setup OpenCV to use inside the Qt IDE for my senior project.
I have gone through the grueling process of attempting to follow the steps by many tutorials (Steps were easy, errors were the hard part).
I somehow managed to get through all of these errors, and now I am at my final error (hopefully) and hoping somebody here can help :), here it goes.I compiled OpenCV using minGW to c:\opencv\build\install. (OpenCV version 2.4.10)
This seems OK.
I set the proper environment variables for this as well, and set what seems to be the proper includes in my .pro file.Once I try to run the application, I get the following error.
:-1: error: LNK1181: cannot open input file 'opencv_core2410.dll.lib'Inside the lib folder, everything is named .dll.a, I am not sure if these are supposed to be .dll.lib, or if the .dll.lib files are somewhere else and or missing them.
# # Project created by QtCreator 2015-03-30T22:25:22 # #------------------------------------------------- QT += core QT -= gui TARGET = untitled4 CONFIG += console CONFIG -= app_bundle TEMPLATE = app SOURCES += main.cpp INCLUDEPATH += C:\\opencv\\build\\install\\include LIBS += -LC:\\opencv\\build\\install\\x64\\mingw\\lib \ -lopencv_core2410.dll \ -lopecv_highgui2410.dll \ -lopencv_imgproc2410.dll \ -lopencv_features2d2410.dll \ -lopencv_calib3d2410.dll
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> int main(){ cv::Mat image = cv::imread("img.jpg"); cv::namedWindow("My Image"); cv::imshow("My Image", image); cv::waitKey(5000); return 1; }
Thank you in advance for the help, it is much appreciated :)!
LIBS += -LC:\opencv\build\install\x64\mingw\lib
-lopencv_calib3d2410If your *.lib in "C:\opencv\build\install\x64\mingw\lib" and add the "C:\opencv\build\install\x64\mingw\bin" ( should containing your DLLs ) in your Project-Enviroment Path
I still come out to the same error.